Her name is Paula Segura Lacasa. She is 12 years old. She has got a nickname Amante.
She comes from Spain. Valencia she lives in La CaƱada. She is a student. She hasn’t got brothers or sister. She has got a lot friend. Her parents are Mayte and Javier, but Javier died five or four years ago. Now Mayte has got a boyfriend his name is Benja. Benja is her other father. She loves dancing. She likes listening to music, plying computer she likes being with her friends and family. She hates counterfeit people and vegetables. She is Sagittarius.
She is short-medium height, she is slim/thin. She has got long, brown hair. She has got brackets on her teeth. She usually wears fashionable clothes.
She is very nice, modern and a good friend. She is generous and timid person.
I love her because she is nice and lovely with me.
Por: Carol